More boring than the last feature on Octobefest weekend, it's the Allstate 400 at the Brickyard, coming to you live from Speedway, Indiana. After I got home from the family reunion yesterday, I sat in front of my television and tried to watch the fiasco that was the Brickyard, I mean the Allstate 400 at the Brickyard. This was a perfect example of why dirt racing is just better than NASCAR. I'm sure there are a lot of people on the VA Dirt Lovers board that would agree with me when I say that the debacle that took place yesterday at Indianapolis was nothing more than a fiasco. There were hundreds of thousands of fans in the stands who paid good money to watch a parade. I can go watch the Apple Blossom parade if I want to see that. It would probably be a heck of a lot more exciting than the NASCAR race was yesterday. I'm sure you've heard it by now, Goodyear couldn't put a tire on a car that could last for more than 10 laps. Competition yellows, which are a joke to begin with, were thrown all the time, and one third of the race was run under caution, most of which would not have been needed if Goodyear provided a good tire. Tony Stewart complained last year about how they need to get other tire companies involved in NASCAR for competition and I could not agree with him more. Especially if Goodyear brings the crap that brought with them to Indianapolis. It truly is a shame for people who actually are big NASCAR fans, a label which I do not fit. I have been extremely critical of the races being too long, drivers not being able to say what they want to say, and the overall political correctness that has turned NASCAR into a joke in my opinion. Dirt Racing is just plain better. Take for example this coming weekend. I have a huge week planned as I am going to Lernerville tomorrow night for the Firecracker 100. Lernerville, in my opinion, is the best track I have ever been to, and I've been to a good many. Then I'm going to Bedford, Winchester, and Hagerstown for the Lucas Oil Dirt Series races. That right there is one major reason as to why dirt racing is better than NASCAR, you have different CHOICES. People in this are alone can go to Lernerville, Williams Grove, or Bedford on a Friday night, Hagerstown, Winchester, Lincoln, Port Royal, and a number of other tracks on a Saturday night for regular shows alone. Hesston just ran a $5,000 to win Thunder By The Lake event last night that Gunter's Honey pilot D.J. Myers won. When you sit down to watch a NASCAR race on a Sunday, or more often a Saturday night these days, you are stuck with what you got. When NASCAR goes to tracks that absolutely suck like Indianapolis, Pocono, New Hampshire, and Phoenix you are forced to watch it if you choose to tune into the race. The sheer amount of choices across the area and the country is great for dirt racing fans. Let's face it, there are a lot of great dirt Late Model drivers across the country outnumbering the drivers that can win from week to week in NASCAR. Not all of dirt racing is great, but neither is all of what goes on in NASCAR. People can argue with me on this, but the NASCAR race yesterday was a joke and it continues to prove why dirt racing is better than NASCAR racing, and if NASCAR fans would give dirt racing a real chance, they would realize the same thing.
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